Guy Outruns The Subway (Not a Sandwhich Chain)

Have you ever felt the need to see how fast you were? See if you could run faster than your friends, pet, friends on bike? I have, and I am sure many of you have as well, but never in my life have I thought, "Can I outrun a subway?". No. Definitely not. Especially after the age of 18, when college, drinking and overeating really take its toll. This guy though he decided to see if he could outrun a subway from one stop to another and....

It's impressive yes, and would I have fallen flat on my face after getting up the first set of stairs, you bet. I would have been done as soon as other people came into play. Would of steam rolled them and broken my ankle. It's just facts. This guy though was determined and had the luxury of going between two stops that had minimal foot traffic or any traffic for that matter. He did it though and none of us can take that away from him.

I'll be honest. I was hoping he made it all the way and at the last second the doors would close and he would it them all cartoon style.

Oh well, we can't all get what we want.
